Holding an online Resilience screening

Zoom 800x400

The purpose of the film screening is to raise awareness with a small number of key people in the community as a prequel to a screening at a later physical gathering of people from the wider community. This helps build support for later screening(s), raises understanding and starts people thinking about changes needed to parenting, work and practices.

The event is aimed at a small number - up to 25 of invited, key people in the community who may be:
  • Professionals – doctors, teachers, health workers, police, social workers, local government policymakers
  • Local Councillors
  • Faith leaders
  • Anyone working with families
The event takes 90 mins at a time convenient to the above people. A Facilitator's Guide is available.
If you are granted a free screening (see Challenge requirements), decide with attendees on a date and time.

We will register the event and let you know how to access the film which will be shown on the film screening site, Eventive. This is followed by a Zoom event, hosted by yourselves, to discuss reactions and possible next steps.

An example event (can be held at any time of day):

00:00 Attendees with tickets sign in to Eventive event and watch film
00:05-01:00 Receive questions over text if you have offered that option
01:01 Attendees sign into Zoom
01:03 Discussion
01:25 Summary and next steps
01:30 Finish

Further details:

The film is streamed over the internet via the Eventive site. Attendees must have registered for the event and they will receive a ticket. They will then join a Zoom session set up by yourselves. You need to make sure you have the appropriate technical set-up and be familiar with Zoom hosting.

The film ‘Resilience’ will be shown (1 hour) and will be followed by a discussion, exploring what we can all do to better parent and support babies, children and families in our community.

The film may, stress may, provoke an emotional response in an attendee due to introspection. It is recommended that you contact any person affected after the end.

It is important to move towards some agreement on follow-up actions - ‘So what can we do here?’.

A follow-up action may involve showing the Resilience film again to a wider audience i.e. a screening in a building.

After the event, the host should complete our Resilience Challenge survey so we can keep track of impact.

As you can see, the host is, in effect, the local champion for this initiative and should be prepared to contact people before the event to gain their attendance and follow-up after the event to catalyse a local movement.

Find out more about what follow up actions might look like.

Find out about the 'Challenge requirements'.